Erasmus+ Conferences, Workshops and International Seminars
Can't you come with us? Don't worry we can visit you in the summer
Erasmus+ Conferences, Workshops and International Seminars
Contact us for Erasmus+ Conferences, Workshops and International Seminars in your school. Universities, Institutes, Associations, Colleges, Companies, Schools, Academies, and all kinds of educational centers and institutions interested in the Spanish language and culture, or the implementation of new innovative methodologies in Education such as the use of Esperanto in teaching, Intercultural Education, etc, now have a great opportunity to enrich its educational offering. Just for some days, a week, a month, or a whole summer, you can account with professional active Spanish teachers ready to share their experience with you and provide new perspectives and points of view for your students. We believe in bidirectional teaching and learning.
In English: “We are ready to travel, teach and learn across the world.”
En Español: “Estamos listos para viajar, enseñar y aprender a lo largo del mundo.”
En Esperanto: “Ni estas pretaj por vojaĝi, instrui, kaj lerni tra la mondo.”
In addition to our Erasmus+ courses for teachers in Spain, in European Erasmus School we are open to your culture and to the world. We are active teachers that during our holidays want to share and exchange experiences to grow. With our Erasmus+ roaming program, we offer you the possibility to organize or participate in conferences, workshops, and seminars in your school, company, school, academy, or university. The only limits are time and staff, we receive a lot of petitions and invitations from different parts of the world but our European Erasmus School – Casa Al-Andalus association is small and mainly composed by Spanish active experienced teachers, so we are allowed to participate in the program only for some periods during the year mainly in summer, or the first week of March.
Currently, we offer:
Spanish Language and Hispanic Culture
With more than 500 million native speakers and 22 million students around the globe, Spanish is today the second international language in the world. A key to exploring a universe of great business opportunities in more than 20 countries where it is the official language, as well as the passport to an enormous cultural universe of possibilities for traveling, learning, tourism, and full enjoyment.
Spanish is the current language of great cities in Spain like Madrid or Seville in Andalusia. And around the world in Los Angeles, Mexico DF, Barcelona, Miami, or Buenos Aires. The language of Cervantes, Picasso, of Latin music, dancing, and the passion of flamenco, salsa, rhumba, tango, or mambo. The language of football with La Liga and teams like Real Madrid or Barça. The language of the Hispanic civilization. Do you still need more reasons to start learning Spanish?
Esperanto & Culture of Peace
In English:
Since the school year 2019-2020, Esperanto is officially taught in the Spanish public Educative system as an optional subject in IES Almenara high school (Vélez-Málaga) thanks to the project Esperanto Komuniko financed by the European program Erasmus+.
The main role of the subject is to be useful as an item for intercultural education and language learning. We developed a new methodology whose goal is not only learning Esperanto but to underline its usefulness like a key to understanding diverse cultures and previous introduction and workout to any language learning.
En Esperanto:
Ekde la kurso 2019-2020 Esperanto estas oficiale lernebla en la publika hispana eduksistemo kiel elektebla lernofako en la en la mezlernejo IES Almenara (Vélez-Málaga) dank’al projekto Esperanto Komuniko finaciita per la Eŭropa programo Erasmus+.
La ĉefa rolo de la fako de Esperanto estas servi kiel ilo por la interkultura edukado kaj la lernado de fremdaj lingvoj. Ni ideis novan metodologion kies celo estas ne nur lerni Esperanton sed rimarki ĝian utilecon kiel ŝlosilo al komprenado de la diversaj kulturoj kaj kiel antaŭa enkonduko kaj trejnado kaj lernado de ian fremdan lingvon.
En Español:
Desde el curso 2019-2020 el sistema educativo público español permite ofrecer la enseñanza de Esperanto como asignatura optativa en el instituto IES Almenara de Vélez-Málaga gracias al proyecto Esperanto Komuniko financiado por el programa europeo Erasmus+.
El rol principal de la asignatura de esperanto es la de servir como herramienta para la educación intercultural y el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Hemos creado una nueva metodología cuyo objetivo es no solo el aprendizaje del esperanto, sino incidir en su utilidad como herramienta para la comprensión de diversas culturas e introducción previa al aprendizaje de cualquier idioma extranjero.